Detail of the selected badge
Do 25 km Cycling daily for 20 consecutive days to earn this badge.
No Registration will be transferred to the next month
If you register for current month particular Activity has to be completed and updated in profile in order to claim the badge
This is simple way to motivate yourself and claim the badge as token of Achievement
You have to link your strava with for for automatic data collection from your strava.
If not using strava you have to add data manually to claim the badge
Registrations start from 1 to 31st of every month.
Registration Terms
The Registrations are valid only for the current monthNo Registration will be transferred to the next month
If you register for current month particular Activity has to be completed and updated in profile in order to claim the badge
This is simple way to motivate yourself and claim the badge as token of Achievement
You have to link your strava with for for automatic data collection from your strava.
If not using strava you have to add data manually to claim the badge
Registrations start from 1 to 31st of every month.
Ticket Type Fees Ticket Price for INR ₹ 10 Ticket Price for USD $ 2