Post run/cycle breakfast options
Protein helps in building and repairing muscles. It’s important to eat/drink a nutrition packed breakfast to help you heal and get stronger. Along with protein right amount of fats and carbs are required too. Seeds like flax, sesame, and pumpkin provide protein, fats, essential vitamin and minerals required for post activity. Bread, oats, banana provide enough amount of carbs.
Few high protein breakfast options are
1.Greek yogurt with fruits and chia seeds – Greek yogurt + fruits and chia seeds on it.
2.Egg frittata – Eggs + veggies with flax seeds.
3.Nut butter + Millet bread/multi grain bread – spread the nut butter on the bread.
4.Smoothie – Milk + whey protein + banana + Greek yogurt.
5.Overnight oats - Oats + nuts + flax seed + sesame seeds + pumpkin seeds + any milk. Store it overnight in the fridge and eat in the morning.
Sindhu HS
Nutrition Coach